sabato 30 aprile 2011


“We’re just not Mac friendly – we’re MAC only” .

Twelve South, azienda specializzata in accessori per amanti della famosa “Mela”.

Potrebbe sembrare un libro antico, ma in realtà una nuova cover per MacBook, BOOKBOOK. 

Per saperne di più: 

“We’re just not Mac friendly – we’re MAC only” .
Twelve South, specialized company of accessories for the lovers of famous “apple” goods.
Could look like as a ancient book, but in real it’s the new cover of MacBook, BOOKBOOK.

To know more:  twelvesouth 

domenica 3 aprile 2011

GABRIEL MORENO - Illustrations' Tour

Prossima fermata del nostro Illustration's Tour con GABRIEL MORENO

Per saperne di più: GabrielMoreno

Next stop for Illustration's Tour with GABRIEL MORENO

To know more: GabrielMoreno

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